
conteúdos de aviação comercial


Tráfego Aéreo, Europa, Aviação Comercial

Eurocontrol abre concurso para 8 controladores de tráfego aéreo

Organização Europeia para a Segurança da Navegação Aérea ( EUROCONTROL ) selecciona controladores aéreos “ab initio”.

European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)
Apply for an air traffic controller job
We are now starting the selection procedure to recruit 8 Student Air Traffic Controllers to start training in the Spring of 2015. In order to apply please complete the Student Air Traffic Controller Application form and send it back together with your school leaving diplomas to masuac.students@eurocontrol.int
Alternatively, you can send it by post: Recruitment & Mobility, EUROCONTROL Maastricht UAC, Horsterweg 11, 6199 AC Maastricht Airport, The Netherlands.

** Please note that due to the high volume of applications received, we currently cannot guarantee that everyone who submits a completed application will be invited to attend selection testing.**

Conditions to apply
Want to become a student air traffic controller? If so, you must:
not yet be 25 years of age at 01 October 2015;
have successfully completed secondary education at an advanced level – including mathematics and english;
have a good command of English, the international language of aviation;
be a national of a EUROCONTROL Member State;
be medically fit;
be free from military obligations at the start of the training.

We are sorry to inform you that we are not currently recruiting qualified air traffic controllers.

Estados Membro

Eurocontrol Estados Membro

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