
conteúdos de aviação comercial


Europa, Aviação Comercial

Carga Aérea – IATA apresenta resultados de junho de 2017

O transporte de carga aérea no primeiro semestre de 2017 com o maior aumento desde 2010. 

Air freight growth posts its strongest first half-year since 2010

Global freight tonne kilometres (FTKs) grew by 10.4% year-on-year in H1 2017 – its strongest start in 7 years.
Industry drivers continue to indicate that the best of the cyclical growth upturn may now have passed.
Nonetheless, the strong upward trend in seasonally adjusted (SA) freight traffic has reasserted itself.
African airlines topped the int’l FTK growth chart in H1 2017, alongside robust growth for the major regions.
The upward trend in demand has continued to outpace that of capacity, which is supporting the SA load factor.

IATA air freight analysis jun 2017 (Pdf)

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